Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Stewart39 said...

You've got waaaaay too much time on your hands. ;)

redjax said...

thanks stewie! i would have to agree :)

Anonymous said...

too bad thats not a taco.
but yes, that would be entertaining to watch a tomato get its brains blown out. lets try it ;)

Anonymous said...

too bad thats not a taco.
but yes, that would be entertaining to watch a tomato get its brains blown out. lets try it ;)

BHodges said...

what is that

BHodges said...

oih i get it haha

Stewart39 said...

Mmmmmm. Tacos...mmmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to update your bloggie!!!! And who is Stewie.

redjax said...

I dont know who annonymous is so maybe you should state your name before asking personal information. ;)