Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm my own worst enemy

It was a rough weekend to say the least. I stuck to the diet, but it was soooo hard. The picture above is my fam eating without me (and yes, they all have piles of cheese on thier food). Shelby was running around eating donuts, pizza, chocolate, pretzels, fruit snacks, goldfish, cookies, cheese, reeses peanut butter cups...Pretty much anything and everything that I cant eat for 2 days straight. My family had my favorite dinner last night, foil dinners. Ugh. Gary also got mad at me for complaining and was like, "quit looking at me like I am doing something wrong, all I am doing is eating food". So, needless to say, I am having a hard time right now. Thank goodness I am back at work, its much easier to do this 500 calorie thing when Im not home with all the yummy food everywhere. I havent been in the best mood lately, which is not normal. I am usually very upbeat and happy and generally fun to be around but for the past few days I have just wanted to be by myself and have been very introverted. I dont think its because of the diet, I think its because I worry about everything else in the world - bills, money, kids, etc. - and Gary hasnt been working even close to the amount of hours he usually banks in the summer time. So of course I start to think of the worse case scenarios. I have come to the realization that when I could eat a bunch of crap everyday I felt better about things, so my way of dealing with things has hit a HUGE wall. I guess I should try to see the good in the situation... I am now at 178 from 186 last Monday! Which is AWESOME! And my clothes are fitting better and I am feeling much healthier. Its amazing what 8 pounds can do, especially when you just spent 9 months pregnant and fat. I am still trying to figure out what the good thing about Gary not working much is...


Grand Pooba said...

Jackie, you sound just like my husband did when he first started! He was SO ornery which is also not like him. Turns out the dosage in the shot they were giving him was too high so he was basically having PMS!

They lowered it and he was fine after that.

Cam said...

More introverted eh? Well, I guess I'm just going to have to break your computer so you have to come out of your office and ask for help!

Melissa said...

Good job, Jack! Keep up the good work. I'm impressed by your dedication to losing weight!!